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7 Memorable Thanksgiving Gift Ideas to Show Your Gratitude

7 Memorable Thanksgiving Gift Ideas to Show Your Gratitude

Thanksgiving is a time to come together with family and friends to give thanks for all of the blessings in our lives. It's also a time when we show our gratitude by giving gifts to the people we care about. If you're looking for unique gift ideas that will show your gratitude, you've come to the right place! In this blog post, we will share 7 memorable Thanksgiving gifts that will make your loved ones feel special.

Let's begin!

Do You Give Presents on Thanksgiving?

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of what makes the perfect gift for Thanksgiving, let's answer this all-too-common Thanksgiving question:

Is it acceptable to bring a gift for the Thanksgiving holiday?

Traditionally, gift-giving is what made the holiday special. The 
original Thanksgiving holiday set back in 1621 was a celebration of blessings of safe journeys, abundant harvests, and military victories.

The feast between the English colonists (Pilgrims) and the 
Wampanoag people was made possible because each party would contribute their "gifts" to the feast which is what made it possible. In fact, it was something to look forward to year-round.

In Modern-day Thanksgiving in America, gifts are given to family, friends, and loved ones to give thanks and appreciate one another.

Although they can be, Thanksgiving gifts don't need to be expensive or elaborate, it just needs to be something heartfelt and genuine that shows your gratitude and that you appreciate each other.

Unfortunately, in the last decade or so, this tradition is fading a bit as technology emerges and societal intimacy (closeness) continues to wane. It's more of a potluck-style gift that gets contributed these days, usually picked up on the way to the get-together.

However, if you're a traditionalist, something a little more elevated can be presented to your family or the host to show gratitude and appreciation.

Okay, so now that we've got the history of Thanksgiving gifts out of the way, let's talk Turkey!

What Makes a Good Thanksgiving Gift?

So what makes for a great gift for the Thanksgiving holiday?

As mentioned, something as simple as a bottle of wine, a pumpkin pie, cheese board, charcuterie board, or anything that contributes to the holiday feast is ample enough.

Alternatively, you could bring a holiday candle, a fun game for the whole family, or just help the host with serving.

If you're looking for 
something more memorable, you may opt to get a personalized gift, something thoughtful that shows you appreciate your host or family member.

What might that be?

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7 Memorable Thanksgiving Gift Ideas to Show Appreciation

Thanksgiving dinner is typically the start of the holiday season, and when people start to form their shopping lists. To prepare you, here are seven fresh and unique gift recommendations to show your thankfulness this holiday season.

1. Offer a Helping Hand

Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks and show how much you appreciate those around you. If your host was kind enough to put Thanksgiving together this year, why not offer to help with the serving?

This is what we call the gift of service.

What can you do to alleviate any of the stress or burden of hosting from the host? Here are a few suggestions:

  • Set or clear the table
  • Make coffee for guests
  • Help carve the turkey on the cutting board
  • Make them a cocktail
  • Entertain party guests
  • Serve the pies for dessert
  • Clean your plate

Additionally, you could raise your glass and say a thoughtful toast or help clean the house before or after the party. Anything that helps the host bring the fun or serve the food is an excellent choice.


Acts of service are the perfect way to show you appreciate the host as well as your friends and family members. It's not always about the most expensive gift.

2. Contribute to the Meal (or experience)

As we said, Thanksgiving in 2022, has turned into a potluck of sorts. Similar to helping with serving the food, bringing something to contribute to the meal gives the host less to do.

Here are something you can bring to a Thanksgiving meal:

  • Napkins
  • Scented Candle
  • Pumpkin Pie
  • Bottle of Wine
  • Extra Glassware
  • Cranberry Sauce
  • Cake or Desert
  • Coffee
  • Cheese/Charcuterie Board
  • Make your favorite dish
  • Trail mix or collection of pre-dinner snacks

Really any food or utensils you can bring will greatly help the host. If you can bring something festive like decorations, a candle, or an entertaining game, that may also be useful.

3. Handwritten Letter or Note

thankyou note with a holiday gift next to homemade pie

Want to show someone how thankful you are? Don't show them; tell them.

Words are a powerful way to show your gratitude. Writing a personalized note or thank you card can truly make someone feel special.

Want to take it a step further?

Get your kids involved and have them write an adorable message to include with yours. You can also do this on the back of a postcard with a unique image that connects with your loved one.

4. Holiday Gift Basket

Don't want to cook a dish or bake a cake this year? No problem. Holiday gift baskets are the way to go.

They're typically the perfect mix of food, wine, chocolate, and cheese.

There are many online shopping options for holiday gift baskets these days, and they certainly make for a perfect gift set. Not just for the holiday season, but all year round.

The best part?

You can custom-tailor your gift set to each individual.

Want to throw in a Pumpkin Pie for cousin Macy? Go for it! Does Uncle Charlie love to drink wine like there's no tomorrow? Throw that in there as well.

The sky's the limit when it comes to a holiday gift basket, so get creative!

5. Personalized 3D Crystal Photo Gift

3D photo gift in the shape of a heart. Pickup a quality gift this year for your most memorable turkey day yet.

Want to really shock your family this holiday season? Get them something truly unique and personal.

Sure, you could opt to get a standard gift bag, candle set, or bottle of wine. There's nothing wrong with that, but if you want something that shows them how truly special they are, get them a personalized gift.

What's a
3D Photo Gift?

It's your personal photo engraved in 3D inside of a beautiful, quality crystal.

how it works:

  1. Select or upload your favorite photo of you, your Thanksgiving host, or loved one
  2. The Design team converts it from 2D to 3D
  3. The 3D photo gets engraved inside the crystal using cutting-edge technology
  4. You get the final delivery within 24 hours.

Is a 3D photo crystal the perfect gift for Thanksgiving?


It's really just an opportunity to provide something truly special to show how thankful you are to those closest to you.

Anything personal makes for a memorable gift.

3D photo gifts are the new monogram, only more adorable.

Here are our most popular options:

6. Entertaining Party Game

Ready to bring the fun this year and put everyone in a festive mood?

Why not bring a board game to the house to lighten the mood while the host prepares to set the table?

It's a step up from the pumpkin pie you’re used to bringing, and it's also a great way to bring everyone together to celebrate.

So what games are an excellent choice for everyone in the house?

Here are a few suggestions:

Need some kid-friendly options? Try these:

7. Festive Decorations

Not sure what to bring?

Not to worry, there's always something festive that adds to the spirit of the season. Turkey day has many options for this.

For example, you can bring a 
pilgrim-themed salt and pepper shaker set. These turkey shelf sitters and pumpkin table runner also make good options.

Just ensure you check in with the host this year, so you don't double down on the same decorations or set yourself up for failure.

How to Choose the Perfect Gift for Someone

Finding the perfect gift doesn't need to be complicated. It just needs to be thoughtful and come from the heart.

Heck, it doesn't even need to be gift-wrapped (a simple gift bag should suffice).

As long as you know the preferences of the giftee, you should be good to go.

The Benefits of Giving Thanksgiving Gifts

Thanksgiving is all about showing gratitude and spending quality time with loved ones. Whether that's sipping on your favorite cocktail, playing an epic board game, cooking your favorite dish in mom's kitchen, or helping set the table to prepare for the big feast.

Although the benefit of giving a gift is always rewarding, finding a 
unique and memorable gift shouldn't be top priority. Instead, cherish the time you spend with one another this year because there is always someone who doesn't have the same opportunity.

Life is short, so 
honor your family, value the time you have, and always live in the moment.

Wrap Up

So there you have it, seven awesome gift ideas for thanksgiving that portray your appreciation.

Want more gift ideas?

Check out the 
3D Photo Gifts Blog for inspiration!

3D crystal photo
25 Questions to Ask for Christmas Gift Ideas


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